Port Macquarie Women Vets

April 2024 update

We hope you are enjoying your golf more now that the Autum weather is cooling the temperatures down. It certainly was a long hot summer! Extremely humid and very taxing. Many of us sensibly took to using carts so that we could continue to play this wonderful game that we love.

Tip of the Month

In conjunction with the PMWG sub committee we have continued to place “tip of the month” updates in the locker room and behind the cubicle doors.

March tip of the month information on repairing of the divots on the greens and also on the fairway was very informative. Of particular interest was not replacing the grass! As an added initiative the Women Vets Sub Committee   gave out 20 pitch repairers to those who did not have one or had “lost” theirs.

April’s tip is again related to Pace of Play

As our fields are increasing in numbers – we currently now have 64 spots available – pace of play is more important than ever. The rule changes of January 2019 bought about “Ready Golf” so that we could all enjoy our golf game without undue waiting or having long games.

On the fairway Ready Golf means all golfers should go to their balls as soon as possible and in a safe manner to get ready to play their shots.

While waiting to hit, players should survey their shot, select their club, and stand at their ball ready to go when it is their turn. You no longer  have to adhere to the furthest from the hole hits first.

Salient points are:

 – keep up with the group in front

 – two go off after putting and tee off immediately (the marker does not have to stay and watch putt)

– record your score after you have teed off

– do not leave buggy’s in front of green – leave towards next tee

– if possible, play your shot first before helping look for a lost ball – 3 mins only to look for ball

– shorter hitters play first from tee or fairway if longer hitters need to wait.

Anne Coutts Sponsorship Day

Once again Anne has generously sponsored a day for the PMWV. This year the Golfing Gods smiled down on us and weather was perfect. The past couple of years we have had to postpone due to inclement weather. This year went smoothly as planned.

Winners were:

First: Sally Moriarty 22

Second: Maus Grant 20 on c/b

Third: Yani Muffet 20

Fourth: Kara Deason19 on c/b

Winners with Anne


Pamela Jones received her special VWGA medal at a recent Women Vets presentation. Congratulations Pamela and other ladies who have received medals earlier in the year from the Women Golfers.

A reminder that Anne Coutts is now the VWGA Delegate. Please see Anne for renewal.

Women Vets monthly luncheon

The last Tuesday of the month has been set aside for any ladies wishing to get together after the game and have lunch. It is an opportunity to meet new players and gather in friendly and relaxed atmosphere. There is no need to book but it would be helpful to know the week before if you are coming so we can advise the kitchen. Please see any of the PMWV sub committee members. Remember to invite your playing partners along as well.

Recent luncheon

Upcoming events

Gala days 21 and 28 th May

Celebration Luncheon and Charity Day 25th June

Personal Information

Once again may I remind members to go onto the golf app and ensure that your phone numbers are made Visible and saved at the end of the page. If you need help, please contact any member of the committee to guide you through.

It is always courteous to phone and let fellow golfers know if you have to pull out of a game, and can be difficult if you don’t have their number.


A special welcome to any new members, we hope you have fun playing with us and please make yourselves known to the committee.


Please remember to advise Anne-Marie or any member of the committee of any of our ladies or their families that may be ill or having a difficult time who may need our help or a visit.

Our thoughts are with our ladies who are unwell or recovering from surgery or injuries for a speedy recovery and return to golf.

Special “O” birthdays for March and April are Pamela Jones, Jane McNerney and Alex Mears.


Thank you

Vicki and Committee